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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Diving: Hong Kong's formr diver Ng Sui (吳帥) became a coach after leaving the Hong Kong Regionsl Tesm. (2001)

跳水: 香港前跳水選手吳帥退出港隊後轉當跳水教練

Hong Kong's former diver Ng Sui(吳帥) left the Hong Kong Regional Diving Squad (Team) due to violence of Discipline by the Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association (HKASA) in 2001. By that time, he became a diving coach for training young divers just for a short time. In this picture above, Ng Sui was in the Diving Pool of the Kowloon Park Swimming Pool, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.
香港前跳水運動員吳帥在2001年因違反紀律而被香港業餘游泳總會 (泳總) 勒令退出香港跳水代表隊; 同時他轉當跳水教練培訓青少年跳水員, 但在短時間內離開教練行列. 在上圖中, 吳帥在香港尖沙咀九龍公園游泳池內的跳水池.

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