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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Swimming: Alex Fong (方力申) in RTHK's TV drama "Summer Holiday before Y2K"(1999)(Photo)

游泳: 香港前游泳隊代表泳手方力申在香港電台青春電視劇《Y2K前的暑假》劇照 (1999年)

Alex Fong starred a competitive swimmer in this drama as same as true athlete. This photo shows he wearing googles to start the normal swimming pratice. His performance on this drama with his healthy image attratched many girls in Hong Kong as an idol. Then he joined the entertainment industry.
方力申在《Y2K前的暑假》電視劇中飾演一名游泳選手, 與真實泳手一樣. 在圖中可見他配戴泳鏡去進行日常游泳訓練. 正因為該劇的角色及其本身健康活力的形象成為少女偶像,一炮而紅殺入娛樂圈.

Photo source: RTHK
劇照提供: 香港電台電視部

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